Okie Dokies its about time i started giving my opinion about a few things ;) been busy setting up some other blogs etc but am here now!
Today i thought i'd share my thoughts and experiences of Pharmaton Active G, why that? well i started taking it again about 4 days ago and so i can give you my current impression.
I started taking it a few days ago as i said and the reason was......well i was just feeling a bit blah. I've not been sleeping too well, i've not been eating properly and my energy levels were zero more or less. I should also mention that i have severe depression and have had for years - that's a constant battle for me, but this pattern of not sleeping etc seemed a bit different than the usual ups and downs i have.
I choose Pharmaton simply because i had taken it years ago when i went through a particularly difficult time and my immune system was shot to bits. I had tried everything back then to improve my health levels but the constant cycle of bugs, colds, headaches etc etc continued on for months. One day while browsing through the shelf of vitamins and supplements i saw the box of Pharmaton capsules - reading the box was like one of those uuuuhuuuuh thats me with every line moments. It was expensive for me at the time - i wasn't working and it was about £12 for a one month course.......well i had tried so many things i thought sod it, health is much more important than money - i left the shop with an empty purse and a box!
Long story, short - they made a huge difference to me and i have recommended them constantly ever since.
So, again while browsing the vitamins aisle in the local pharmacy i came across Pharmaton Activit G. These are soluble tablets that make a vitamin drink and i thought i'd give them a try. I certainly needed G-ing up LOL!
I noticed the difference in my energy levels within 1 day of taking these, so much so that i thought flippin Nora what is going on with me today? I cleaned the house, i sorted emails, i did some crafting and felt like me for the first time in dear knows how long.
Now i do have to say i got a little bit worried - big mood swings from down to up are not the best of signs for someone with my mental health issues, and i also thought there is no mission of me sleeping. I did sleep though, i had a great nights sleep and am still feeling good 4 days on.
I'm taking these first thing in the morning - just like having a pure orange juice with breakfast. They dissolve within a few minutes and the flavour is grand - not exactly like pure orange juice but hey its medicine so it can't be made too nice, right?
One thing i did notice is it stains the glass quite a lot so i wouldn't use it in something that is likely to turn bright orange......its does appear to colour your urine a bit too, but not as bad as other similar products i've tried.
So, that's my opinion, all written by me and is a true representation of my experience. Other people my find they have a different experience - all i know is the majority of people i recommend Pharmaton products to tell me they found them good as well!
Here is a link to the blurb about Pharmaton Activit G from Gordon's direct (i bought at my local Gordon's Pharmacy) should you wish to have a read of the official medical info (you really should!) Oh yes and today as i write this Activit G Fizzy Tablets are on offer for £1.99 for a pack of 10 (and no i'm not getting paid to direct you there lol!)
Gordon's Direct
If you have tried these for yourself feel free to add your own view below, or indeed just leave me a comment.
Today i thought i'd share my thoughts and experiences of Pharmaton Active G, why that? well i started taking it again about 4 days ago and so i can give you my current impression.
I started taking it a few days ago as i said and the reason was......well i was just feeling a bit blah. I've not been sleeping too well, i've not been eating properly and my energy levels were zero more or less. I should also mention that i have severe depression and have had for years - that's a constant battle for me, but this pattern of not sleeping etc seemed a bit different than the usual ups and downs i have.
I choose Pharmaton simply because i had taken it years ago when i went through a particularly difficult time and my immune system was shot to bits. I had tried everything back then to improve my health levels but the constant cycle of bugs, colds, headaches etc etc continued on for months. One day while browsing through the shelf of vitamins and supplements i saw the box of Pharmaton capsules - reading the box was like one of those uuuuhuuuuh thats me with every line moments. It was expensive for me at the time - i wasn't working and it was about £12 for a one month course.......well i had tried so many things i thought sod it, health is much more important than money - i left the shop with an empty purse and a box!
Long story, short - they made a huge difference to me and i have recommended them constantly ever since.
So, again while browsing the vitamins aisle in the local pharmacy i came across Pharmaton Activit G. These are soluble tablets that make a vitamin drink and i thought i'd give them a try. I certainly needed G-ing up LOL!
I noticed the difference in my energy levels within 1 day of taking these, so much so that i thought flippin Nora what is going on with me today? I cleaned the house, i sorted emails, i did some crafting and felt like me for the first time in dear knows how long.
Now i do have to say i got a little bit worried - big mood swings from down to up are not the best of signs for someone with my mental health issues, and i also thought there is no mission of me sleeping. I did sleep though, i had a great nights sleep and am still feeling good 4 days on.
I'm taking these first thing in the morning - just like having a pure orange juice with breakfast. They dissolve within a few minutes and the flavour is grand - not exactly like pure orange juice but hey its medicine so it can't be made too nice, right?
One thing i did notice is it stains the glass quite a lot so i wouldn't use it in something that is likely to turn bright orange......its does appear to colour your urine a bit too, but not as bad as other similar products i've tried.
So, that's my opinion, all written by me and is a true representation of my experience. Other people my find they have a different experience - all i know is the majority of people i recommend Pharmaton products to tell me they found them good as well!
Here is a link to the blurb about Pharmaton Activit G from Gordon's direct (i bought at my local Gordon's Pharmacy) should you wish to have a read of the official medical info (you really should!) Oh yes and today as i write this Activit G Fizzy Tablets are on offer for £1.99 for a pack of 10 (and no i'm not getting paid to direct you there lol!)
Gordon's Direct
If you have tried these for yourself feel free to add your own view below, or indeed just leave me a comment.
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